In our daily life, some common equipment chassis, computer chassis, power supply chassis, network chassis, server chassis, outdoor chassis and so on. Made of sheet metal material by sheet metal processing. However, the manufacturing process of a cabinet sheet metal is closely related to the design, where size is a factor that makes people very concerned and affects the effect of the product. So do you know how much impact the size of the chassis cabinet sheet metal width has on the sheet metal processing plant? The following is a small series for you: Chassis cabinet sheet metal width has the following impact on the sheet metal processing plant: 1. Influence on the total width of the cover: If the total width o……
加工中心是精密钣金制造加工厂的主要加工设备。它的作用是根据图样要求将板材分割成零件或半成品,并使之成为具有一定形状、尺寸和精度要求的零件。 具有自动加油机构,可一次装夹多个工件,可集中加工各工序工件。因此,它是现代机械制造中应用最广泛的数控机床。精密钣金制造加工厂主要生产汽车车身结构、发动机壳体、变速箱和底盘等。同时承接各种五金冲压件加工业务! 加工中心是一个高度集成的制造单元,集机、电、液于一体。它的出现大大缩短了机械产品的周期,可以生产高精度的复杂产品。随着科学技术的发展和
Chassis Cabinet sheet metal equipment shell, also known as equipment rack, box, cabinet, in the automation equipment, testing equipment, assembly workbench and other fields generally use industrial aluminum profiles as the frame, with a variety of sheet metal sealing plate, stainless steel sealing plate, aluminum-plastic plate, transparent acrylic and other equipment shell. Chassis Cabinet Sheet metal device enclosures (racks) commonly used industrial aluminum profiles include 4040 aluminum profiles, 3030 aluminum profiles, 6060 aluminum profiles, and 4080 aluminum profiles. If the pursuit of a streamlined appearance, 4040R aluminum and 8840R curved aluminum profiles are also used. Therefore, it is certain that……
Tell me about your impression of the equipment shell sheet metal cabinet. Is it rough, heavy, old-fashioned, or simple, atmospheric, beautiful? And which style of equipment shell sheet metal do you prefer? In the design of the sheet metal of the equipment shell, in addition to meeting the functional requirements of the equipment, attention should be paid to the aesthetic design of the cabinet, so that the appearance design of the cabinet can give people beauty in proportion, color, shape, modeling, etc., to meet the aesthetic needs, so that it is easier to get the user's recognition. So, how to design a practical, simple, beautiful sheet metal cabinet? 1. Choose the appropriate shell type. The sheet metal desig……
Because of its large population, vast land, rich resources, rapid economic development, and broad consumer markets, China has become one of the world's manufacturing powers, and has gradually become a global strategic procurement center. The sheet metal industry is the basic industry of the machinery manufacturing industry, and it has gradually formed its own development trend and context with the rapid development of the economy. And have been widely used in many industries such as automobiles, communications, machinery, etc.
?In short, it is a process of processing technology that uses the plasticity of the material to process it into a variety of parts. Therefore, this has the term sheet metal processing and manufacturing technology. So, do we all know about its type? The editor thinks the answer is no. Then, for this issue, specific discussions can be expanded so that everyone……
With the continuous development of technology, the application of computers in mechanical auxiliary design, modern CAD/CAM, FMS, and CIMS are widely used in CNC technology. CNC machine tools have gone through five development stages since the successful d
The chrome layer has beautiful luster, corrosion resistance, high hardness and good friction, so it can be used for decoration, wear resistance and corrosion resistance.
The purpose of electroplating hard chrome: It is mostly used to improve the wear resistance of the product, extend the service life of the product, and is widely used in easy -to -wear parts such as industrial modeling, quantity, and cutting tools.
① Cold processing
Cold processing refers to a processing process that causes plastic deformation to cause plastic deformation at lower crystallization temperature. Such as cold rolling, cold stroke, cold squeeze, stamping, cutting processing, etc.
Cold processing refers to the ability to meet these processing processes.